Ellie Rome – Navigating Emotional Eating and Food Cravings During the Holidays
Episode Summary
Ellie Rome, Holistic Lifestyle and Weight Loss Coach, walks us through her personal struggle with sugar addiction, binge eating, emotional eating, and the many health concerns she began to develop. Ellie shares how she created a healthy relationship with food, overcame sugar addiction, and tangible tips for how to manage emotional eating, especially during the holidays.
Join the Challenge!
Ellie and I are challenging YOU! Find an “upleveled” version of one of your favorite holiday recipes, make it, and tag us on Instagram when you do! @mindfulbellie and @leighannlindsey
This could be something like “Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies”, “Paleo Pumpkin Pie”, “Paleo Christmas Cookies”, etc.
There are truly countless alternative, healthier recipe options online and we would love to see you take the dive and try to make something a little healthier this year. You might be surprised with just how tasty these upleveled options can be!